I’m a Digital Nomad — am I homeless?
I asked myself this a few weeks ago after someone asked me what I was doing with my “place” when I left Minnesota.
Well — I don’t have a “place” in Minnesota. I don’t own property, I don’t have a condo, nothing. And that got me thinking a few things.
Am I Behind?
Should I have a place by now? Should I have roots somewhere? I answer those questions with one answer — No.
No, because I’m not on anyone else’s timeline except mine.
I am lucky to have a few clients that allow me to work physically wherever I want. Why not take advantage of that? I refuse to go overseas because of my dog (I would never put her in the cargo hold; are you out of your mind), so I can become a tourist in my country.
Am I homeless?
No, because “home” is a state of mind.
It’s a feeling you get with the people you love. It’s a level of comfort that’s hard to explain. Do I physically not own or have a house? Yes — I don’t own or have a house. But when I returned to Minnesota to stay and visit, I felt at home. I feel at home while going on a road trip somewhere with Pepper.
So no — I’m not homeless.
Asking myself these questions is a great exercise in understanding. It’s a great exercise in continuing to figure myself out. It’s a great exercise in saying “fuck you” to the midwestern blueprint. Sure, some people may love the idea of settling down in your mid-20s, but my mindset couldn’t be further from that. Honestly, that blueprint sounds very boring to me.
I’m now in my mid-30s with no desire to settle down in sight. That could change in an instant, of course, if I had some kind of Hollywood meet-cute, but that has yet to happen.
So, until then, I’m going to continue to downsize, I’m going to continue to go places I’ve never been, and I’m going to continue to explore the country with my dog at my side.