Thank you for sharing, John. It’s truly touching. I haven’t been able to bring myself to make Tank a screen saver on any device. I’m sure I could handle that — as I hold back tears now — but a big part of me still thinks I’m not ready.
Google photos has an awesome feature that finds all of the similar faces in your photos and creates an album for that particular face/person/animal. They did it with Tank a few weeks after he died — somewhat serendipitously I suppose. I looked through it the other day. Watched videos. Zoomed in on photos. All of that. And cried and cried and cried. I haven’t cried much since then.
So you’re right — he’ll continue to make me feel all the feels for years to come I’m sure. It’s natural. It’s heart-breaking.
It’s new internet friends like you that make the entire process much easier. I’m forever grateful for you to take the time and share your story with me.